Consultancy Services in Tropical Agriculture Development

Agronomic Management Information Sytstem (OMP)

An agronomic information management system (AIMS) for oil palm plantations.

We collaborate with Agrisoft Systems in the development and implementation of OMP, a computerized agronomic database management system that is now used over 750,000 ha of oil palm estates in Southeast Asia, Central America, South America, Africa and Oceana regions (see client list below). First developed and released in 1998, OMP is a tried and tested product that is fully SQL compatible and can be integrated with existing software (e.g. payroll, accounting, stock control, weighbridge). The software is easy to set up and provides a one-stop solution to the storage and analaysis of data on:

  • Crop production and yield
  • Crop forecasting (short term black bunch forecast, annual crop budget, long term ten year crop budget). 
  • Fertilizer and crop residue use
  • Palm census
  • Environmental parameters (e.g., erosion, previous land use, soil type)
  • Leaf and soil analysis data
  • Pests and diseases
  • Climate data

The OMP-Field Survey app can be used on a standard smartphone for secure and verifiable data collection on any topic (e.g. palm census, field audits, black bunch counts, pest and disease surveys). The app provides tracking and verification that the surveyor visited the survey locations required for each survey.

Key advantages of using OMP are as follows:

  • All agronomic data is stored in one unified SQL compatible software.
  • Data entry can be restricted to designated operators but data analysis and review can be carried out by all registered users.
  • Unsecured spreadsheet data storage is no longer required. Spreadsheets can be used to prepare data for importing into OMP.
  • Secure and verifiable data collection.
  • OMP can be run on a company server (e.g. Citrix) so that multiple users can access the software for data entry and analysis. For locations with poor internet connectivity, OMP can be run on a standard PC and the data file shared with other users.
  • OMP users are provided with regular updates that provide new features for data storage and analysis.
  • Built-in query builder for users to prepare their own data analysis.
  • Continuous support by Agrisoft-Systems staff on OMP deployment.

OMP now includes a fully functional and built-in Geographic Information System (GIS) called OMP-GIS that can be used to display ‘point and click’ maps showing e.g., yield, yield gaps, harvester productivity, fertilizer use. No costly third party GIS software (e.g. MapInfo, ARC GIS) is required to run the OM-GIS software.

We now have OMP users in 17 countries located in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia), Oceana (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands), Central America (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras), South America (Colombia, Peru) and Africa (Ghana, Sierra Leone, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria).

Download an introduction on the use of OMP here.

Download a brochure on OMP here.

We find OMP an indispensable tool for yield improvement. All agronomic data is available 'under one roof' and it's easy to bring all the necessary data to the field in printed booklets or installed in a tablet or smart phone. Field visits then become focussed on tying what we see to data.

Thomas Fairhurst

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