Consultancy Services in Tropical Agriculture Development

TCCL Oil Palm Field Handbooks (box set of five printed books plus complementary e-Book)

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Boxed set of five oil palm handbooks

About the ‘TCCL Oil Palm Field Handbooks’

The Oil Palm Handbooks, written by Ian Rankine and Thomas Fairhurst,  were first published in 1998. These handbooks were designed to provide a clear step-by-step guide to the cultivation of oil palm, from sourcing seeds for a nursery to harvesting mature fruit bunches and palm oil processing. This ‘recipe’ style approach has proven to be successful with over 30,000 copies sold internationally, including translations into Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Spanish, and Hindi.

Since 1998, when the volumes on Nursery, Immature and Mature were originally published, there have been significant developments in oil palm management. In collaboration with Thomas Fairhurst, Ian Rankine and William Griffiths, Tropical Crop Consultants has produced a completely revised and updated version of the original handbooks and added two new volumes:

  1. Agronomy (focusing on the services required of a Technical Services Department).

  2. General (providing information on human resource management and general management procedures).

Key benefits of the ‘TCCL Oil Palm Field Handbooks’ box set

The new edition will retain the original easy-to-follow ‘recipe’ style approach with respect to the layout and format of the books. Where the old editions of the handbooks were mainly relevant to locations in Southeast Asia, the new 2019 handbooks will incorporate additional experience gained over the past eight years on oil palm cultivation in Africa, South and Central America.

The ‘TCCL Oil Palm Field Handbooks’ box set comes with a complimentary e-Book version for use on desktop and laptop computers as well as Android and iOS tablets and smartphones. The e-Books are comprehensively cross-referenced and provide web links to relevant suppliers of specialist equipment and materials.

  • All aspects of field management covered – from sourcing seeds to processing palm oil

  • Easy-to-follow ‘recipe’ style approach to the layout and format of the books

  • High quality photos depicting ‘real-life’ examples of concepts

  • Specially designed original graphics to explain and illustrate key concepts

  • Key calculations presented in tables that show full workings (units, parameters, and formulae)


Volume 1: Nursery

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Volume 2: Immature

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Volume 3: Mature

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Volume 4: Agronomy

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Volume 5: General

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