Consultancy Services in Tropical Agriculture Development

Vince McAleer


Vince McAleer has been actively involved in tropical agriculture for almost 40 years, and in oil palm for 30 years. During that time he has been involved with plantation companies as a senior manager (Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire), as a technical manager (Indonesia), and as a board director (DR Congo, Sierra Leone, Nigeria).

As a consultant tropical agronomist since 2019, he has visited companies in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, São Tomé, DR Congo, Guatemala, Panama and Peru.

He has more than 40 years of hands-on experience in large-scale agriculture, of which 30 years in oil palm and cocoa.




  • Development and management of oil palm and cocoa operations (plantations and processing).
  • Agronomy of oil palm and cocoa.
  • Sustainable yield intensification of oil palm.
  • Loss control of palm oil processing operations.
  • Implementation of cocoa certification programmes for smallholders.
  • Implementation of RSPO certification programmes for plantation companies.
  • Operational review of agricultural operations.
  • Operational and commercial due diligence of agricultural operations.


  • BSc in agriculture from the University of Reading.
  • MBA from the University of Warwick.


  • Native English speaker.
  • Professionally competent in French.
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